The Third Conference of the Situationist International
Potlatch #30 (15 July 1959)
Translated by Reuben Keehan
THE SITUATIONISTS held their Third International Conference in Munich from 17 to 20 April 1959, fifteen months after the Second Conference (Paris, January 1958). Six sections of the SI (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands) were represented by Armando, Constant, Debord, Eisch, Gallizio, Höfl, Jorn, Melanotte, Oudejans, Prem, Stadler, Sturm, Wyckaert and Zimmer. The conference debated as many questions posed from a theoretical perspective as it did from the prespective of tactics for the survival of the situationist movement through its extension. An eleven-point declaration was adopted unanimously as a proclamation of the minimum requirements of situationist action: a project, which was hardly modified in a long discussion of each point, previously appearing in the second issue of our journal, Internationale Situationniste [The Amsterdam Declaration]. It was decided that the German version of this journal be launched in the Autumn. The closure of the conference was marked by the publication of a leaflet entitled "Ein kultureller Putsch während Ihr schlaft!" (A Cultural Putsch While You Sleep!).