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notes & sources

To the best of my knowledge, all texts appearing on this site are free from copyright and may be reproduced and distributed in any form but certainly not for profit. Most of the translations featured exclusively at Situationist International Online are periodically revised and should only be considered as drafts in progress, at least until such time as the means can be found to publish them in hard copy. Please feel free to forward any corrections to omissions, misinterpretations, stylistic infelicities or typographical errors to this address.

The majority of the other texts and translations are drawn from the following sources:

Libero Andreotti and Xavier Costa, eds. Theory of the Dérive and Other Situationist Writings on the City. Barcelona: Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona & ACTAR, 1996.

Gérard Berréby, ed. Documents relatifs á la fondation de l'Internationale Situationniste. Paris: Allia, 1985.

Iwona Blazwick, ed. An Endless Adventure . . . An Endless Passion . . . An Endless Banquet: A Situationist Scrapbook. London: ICA & Verso, 1989.

A.H.S. Boy, Situationist International Archives. Baltimore: 1996-2003 (website).

Bill Brown, Not Bored! New York: 1996-2003 (website).

Débat d'orientation de l'ex-Internationale Situationniste 1969-1970. Paris: Centre de Recherche sur la Question Sociale, 1974.

Guy Debord présente Potlatch (1954-1957). Paris: Gallimard, 1996 (expanded edition).

Guy Debord, Correspondance, volume 1 (juin 1957-août 1960). Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1999.

Pascal Dumontier, Les Situationnistes et mai 68: Théorie et la practique de la révolution (1966-1972). Paris: Gérard Lebovici, 1990.

Franck Einstein, Guy Debord et l'Internationale Situationniste. Paris: 1998-2003 (website).

Jean Floressass, Debordiana. Paris: 2000-2003 (website).

Jöel Gayraud and Luc Mercier, eds. and trans. Écrits complets de la Section Italienne de l'Internationale Situationniste (1969-1972). Paris: Contre-Moule, 1988.

Ken Knabb, ed. and trans. Situationist International Anthology. Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets, 1995 (third edition).

Ken Knabb, Bureau of Public Secrets. Berkeley: 1998-2003 (website).

Thomas F. McDonough, ed. October 79. Winter 1997.

Luc Mercier, ed. and trans. Archives Situationnistes, volume 1. Paris: Contre-Moule, 1997.

Patrick Mosconi, ed. Internationale Situationniste 1958-1969. Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1997 (expanded edition).

Elizabeth Sussman, ed. On the Passage of a Few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International 1957-1972. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press & Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1989.

Gabriel Thy, Scenewash. Washington DC: 1997-2003 (website).

Tom Vague. ed. King Mob Echo: English Section of the Situationist International. Edinburgh: Dark Star, 2000.

In some cases, minor corrections have been made to ensure accuracy and readability.

Thanks is due to all those who have contributed material to this site, including Mark Dyson, Anthony Hayes, Ken Knabb, Jan Lilliendahl Larsen, Tom McDonough and John McHale, as well as Jeremy Hunsinger for generously donating webspace, and Spud for providing the search engine. Thanks also to the many more whose support and criticism have enabled the site to evolve.