internationale situationniste #2
central bulletin published by the sections of the situationist international
December 1958
Director: Debord
Mail: 32, rue de la Montagne-Geneviève, Paris 5e
Editorial Committee: Mohamed Dahou, Asger Jorn, Maurice Wyckaert.
We live subject to change, because if I am permitted to say this it is the law of the countries we inhabit.
The photographic illustrations in this issue concern the theme of everyday life as it appears to the Situationist International.
Editorial Notes:
News of the International
What often prevents us from abandoning ourselves to a single vice is that we have several.
La Rochefoucauld
As a rule, this bulletin is edited collectively. The various articles written and signed individually must also be considered of interest to all of our comrades, and as particular points of their common research. We are opposed to the survival of such forms as the literary review or art journal.
All texts published in Internationale Situationniste may be freely reproduced, translated and adapted, even without indication of origin.